Yogiisanas, Bandha and Kriyii 397
- Bend the knees, release the hands one by one from the knee-caps
and rest on the floor.
As the posture is an intensified version of Bhujailgasana I (Plate 73) its
effect is greater. Here the sacroiliac, lumbar and dorsal regions of the
spine benefit along with the neck and shoulder muscles which are fully
stretched. In this pose more blood circulates in the pubic region which
is kept healthy. The thyroids, parathyroids, adrenals and gonads receive
a copious supply of blood and this results in increased vitality. The
chest is also expanded fully.
- Rajakapotasana Thirty-eight* (Plate 551)
Rajakapota means the king of pigeons. This is a very attractive but