Bandha and Kriya
- U ddiyana • • Bandha Twelve* (Plates 593 and 594)
U��'iyana means flying up. Strictly speaking it is not an asana, but
a bandha, that is a restraint. As condensers, fuses and switches con
trol the flow of electricity, so bandhas regulate the flow of pr�a
(energy). In this b?.ndha the prana • or energy is made to move from
the lower abdomen towaras the head. For a detailed discussion on
bandha and prana,. see Part Three on Pranayama..
- Stand in Ta<;iasana. (Plate I)
- Spread the legs a foot apart.
3· Stoop slightly forward, bending the knees slightly and place the
hands with the fingers spread wide on the middle of the thighs. - Lower the hands until the chin rests in the notch between the
collar-bones on top of the breast-bone.
5· Inhale deeply and then exhale quickly so that all the air is forced
from the lungs in a rush.
- Hold the breath (without any inhalation). Pull the whole ab
dominal region back towards the spine. Contract the abdominal region
and lift it up towards the breast-bone, pressing the hands against the
thighs. (Plate 593) - Maintaining the abdominal grip, lift the hands from the thighs and
rest them on the hips. - Straighten both legs and the back without loosening the abdominal
grip or raising the chin from the breast-bone. (Plate 594)
9· Relax the abdominal muscles but without moving the chin and
head. If the latter move, strain is at once felt in the region of the heart.
IO. Inhaie slowly and deeply.
I 1. Throughout positions 6 to 9 above, do not inhale. Do not hold
the pose for more than 5 to IO seconds depending on your endurance.