Pra:1;zayama 44 7
cycle starts at stage (f) and ends at stage (i). Stage (j) is the safety
measure to be observed after the completion of the cycles in order to
prevent gasping, breathlessness and strain on the heart.
9· Do^8 to IO cycles at a stretch as described above. This may take 6 or
8 minutes.
IO. Inhalation and exhalation from each side should take the same time.
In the beginning the duration will be unequal. Persevere until equality
is achieved.
I r. After achieving mastery over the equal duration and precision over
inhalation and exhalation on either side an attempt may be made to
retain breath Cantara kumbhaka) after inhaling.
I2. This precision is only achieved after long practice.
I 3· Retention should not disturb the rhythm and equality of inhalation
and exhalation. If either are disturbed curtail the period of retention or
hold the breath on alternate cycles.
- During retention after inhalation practise Mula Bandha (see
p. 437).
- Do not attempt to hold the breath after exhalation (bahya
kumbhaka, Plate 6oo) until you have mastered retention after
inhalation Cantara kumbhaka). Then during bahya kumbhaka practise
U��iyana (Plates 593, 594) with Miila Bandha (see p. 437).