Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
Prcu:zayama 455

not, therefore, dream of attempting to practise it on your own without
the personal supervision of an experienced Guru or teacher.

I I. Due to disharmony caused by these different time ratios for
inhalation, retention and exhalation, all the systems of the body,
especially the respiratory and nervous ones, are overtaxed and unduly

  1. The caution given on Sarna Vrtti Pr�ayama (see p. 453),
    regarding the practice of kumbhaka in paragraphs 5 to IO, applies
    with greater force in Visama. Vrtti. Pranayama..

I3. One now begins to realise the truth of Svatmarama's statement
in the second chapter of the Ha?ha Yoga Pradipika: 'Pra�a should be
tamed more slowly and more gradually than lions, elephants and
tigers (according to one's capacities and physical limitations); other­
wise it will kill the practitioner.'

Sarna V rtti. and Visama. V rtti Pranayarna.. are concerned with the
maintenance of a particular ratio of time taken in inhalation, retention
and exhalation.
The Viloma, Anuloma and Pratiloma types of Pra�ayama are con­
cerned with the methods and techniques of inhalation and exhalation.
In Viloma, the inhalation or exhalation is not one continuous process,
but is done gradually with several pauses. In Anuloma, inhalation is
through both nostrils as in Ujjayi and exhalation is alternate through
either nostril as in Na<;l'i Sodhana. In Pratiloma, all inhalation is
alternate through either nostril while all exhalation is through both
nostrils as in Ujjayi.

  1. Viloma Pra"!ayama
    Lorna means hair. The particle vi IS used to denote negation or
    privation. Viloma thus means against the hair, against the grain, against
    the natural order of things.
    In Viloma Pra�ayama inhalation or exhalation is not one un­
    interrupted continuous process, but is interrupted by several pauses.
    For instance, if continuous inhalation to fill the lungs or continuous
    exhalation to expel the air were to take 15 seconds in each case, in
    Viloma there would be a pause of about 2 seconds after every third
    second of inhalation or of exhalation. The process of inhalation or of
    exhalation is thus lengthened to 25 seconds. The technique given
    below is in two stages, which are distinct.

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