(^486) Appendix I
Sixth day of the week
Sir�asana and cycle (I 84 to 2 I 8); Sarvangasana and cycle (2 34 to 27 I);
Paschimottanasana (I6o); Yoganidrasana (39I); Marichyasana III
(303); Ardha Matsyendrasana I (3II); Pasasana (328); Paripoor�a
Matsyendrasana (336); Hanumanasana (475); Samako�asana (477);
Supta Trivikramasana (478); Miilabandhasana (462); Kandasana (470);
Mat:l<;ialasana (525 to 535); Kapotasana (5I2); V�schikasana I (537);
Rajakapotasana (55 I); Ekapada Rajakapotasana I (542); Valakhilyasana
(544); Sirsapadasana (570); Ganda Bherundasana (580 and 58 I);
Uttanasana (48); Savasana (592):
·Na<;ii Sodhana Pra�ayama, Ujjayi
Pranayama. with inhalation retention and 8 times Uddiyana...
Seventh day of the week
Complete rest or only Sirsasana. I (I84); Salamba Sarvangasana ' I (234);
HaHisana (244); Paschimottanasana ( 1 6o) and Nadi. Sodhana ?ranayama.
without retention for 30 minutes.
steven felgate
(Steven Felgate)