490 Appendix II
asana (296); Poorvottanasana (I7I); Ardha Matsyendrasana I & II (3 II
and 330); Pasasana (328); U��rasana (4I); Urdhva Dhanurasana (486);
Dwipada �ipar1ta Da��asana (5I6). Ujjay1 Pra�ayama (Section 203)
and Nac:Jf Sodhana Prat:layama (Section 205) without retention when
there is an attack and at other times with inhalation retention and
Uddlyana (Section 201).
S1rsasana and cycle (184 to 2I 8); Sarvangasana and cycle (234 to 271);
all standing poses (4 to 36); Jatara Parivartanasana (275); Supta
Padangusthasana (285 to 287); Mahamudra (125); Janu-S1rsasana
(I27) ;Pa�iv�ttaJanu-S1r�asana (132); Paschimottanasana (I6o); Urdhva
Mukha Paschimottanasana I and II (I68 and I7o); Pariv�tta
Paschimottanasana (165); Marichyasana I & III (I44 and 303); Ardha
Matsyendrasana I & II (3 II and 330); Pasasana (328); Paripoort:la
Matsyendrasana (336); Malasana I & II (32I and 322); Adhomukha
Svanasana (75); u��rasana (41); S_alabhasana (6o); Dhanurasana (63);
Parsva Dhanurasana (64 and 65); Urdhva Dhanurasana (486); Vipar1ta
Chakrasana (488 to 499); Dwipada Viparlta Dandasana (5 r6);
Mat:I�alasana (525 to 535).
High blood pressure
Halasana (244); Janu-S1rsasana • (I27); Ardha Baddha Padma
Paschimottanasana (I35); Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana
(I39) ; Paschimottanasana (I6o) ; Vlrasana (89); Siddhasana- (84);
Padmasana (I04); Savasana (592). Na�1 Sodhana Pra�ayama (Section
205) without retention. Meditation with closed eyes. (If the blood
pressure is very high, then it is better to do Ujjayl Priit:Iiiyama (Section
203) in the lying position • without pillows first for^5 minutes and then
to perform ' Nad1 Sodhana. Pranayama. (Section 205) and immediately do
Savasana (592) for IS minutes.)
Low blood pressure
Salamba S'ir�asana I (I 84); Salamba Sarvangasana I (234); Halasana
(244); Kart:Iapidasana (246); Paschimottanasana (160); Vlrasana (89);
Siddhasana (84); Padmasana (104) ; Baddhakot:Iiisana (Io2); Na�'i
Sodhana Pranayama (Section 205) without retention in the beginning
and Savasan� (592).
S1rsasana and cycle (184 to 218); Sarvangasana and cycle (234 to 27 1);
Adhom ukha S vanasana ( 7 5) ; Paschimottanasana ( r 6o); U ttanasana
(48); Kiirmasana and Supta Kiirmasana (363, 364 and 368); Yoganidr··