Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High

(ff) #1


Ch 3: Start with Heart Ch 7: STATE My Path

o 13 (F) D o 17 (T) D

o 19 (F) o 23 (F)
o 25 (F) o 29 (T)

Ch 4: Learn to Look Ch 8: Explore Others'

o 14 (F) D Paths D

o 20 (T) o 18 (T)
o 26 (T) o 24 (T)

o (^30) (T)
Ch 5: Make It Safe Ch 9: Move to Action

o 15 (T) D o 31 (F) D

o 21 (T) o 32 (F)
o 27 (F) o 33 (F)

Ch 6: Master My


o 16 (T)
o 22 (F)
o 28 (F)

Figure 4-2. Score Sheet for Dialogue Skills Assessment

to avoid some of your silence or violence habits. Also, when
you're in the middle of a crucial conversation, you can be more
conscious of what to watch for.


When caught up in a crucial conversation, it's difficult to see
exactly what's going on and why. When a discussion starts to
become stressful, we often end up doing the exact opposite of
what works. We tum to the less healthy components of our Style
Under Stress.

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