(^126) Chapter 6 Adjectives and adverbs
ambiguous between the two categories in
the examples given? Give evidence for your
i The trains aren't l1ll1l!il1g today.
ii What we said was simply �.
iii She sounded quite impressed.
iv It was a rewardin& experience.
v His act is not amusin&.
vi His act is not amusin& the crowd.
vii We were surrounded.
viii The bill was pgid.
ix He was H1l!1. in the leg.
x Let sleepin& dogs lie.
- For each of the following adjectives say
whether it is (a) gradable; (b) non
gradable; or (c) ambiguous, usable in two
senses of which one is gradable and the
other is not. In case (c), give examples of
the two uses, commenting on the difference
in meaning.
i certain vi philosophical
ii Christian vii true
iii fe minine viii worthy
iv latter ix primary
v main x childlike - For each of these examples, identify the
predicand of the underlined predicative
i We fo und your suggestion veO' helpful.
ii The problem was thought insoluble by
iii Unable to contain hjs an&er, Max
stormed out of the room.
iv We find the accused 8JlliD!" your
v Eventually, too tired to cO'. the two
children fe ll asleep.
7. Which of the following adjectives license
pp complements with a particular preposi
tion as head? Give examples for those that
do. If you cannot find any example in which
the adjective has a pp complement, just
write 'none'.
i able vi easy
ii capable vii fre e
iii careful viii intent
iv clever ix long
v concise x responsible
8. Classify the underlined words below as
adjectives or adverbs, giving your reasons
in each case.
i Fo rtunately, he had plenty of time.
ii He was going fa r too Jim.
iii She seemed a very kindly old soul.
iv We were annoyed at their � arrival.
v They're becoming increasin&ly
vi I was fe eling quite /lJlJlIll.
vii She works extremely lJm:d.
viii We made lflJ2. many concessions.
ix KirYIlx refrain fro m smoking.
x That was very un&entiemanly.
- Construct convincing examples in which
the adverb quite modifies: [i) a verb; [ii] an
adjective; [iii] an adverb; [iv] a PP; and
[v] an NP.