Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

Weapons ' Effectiveness on the Battlefield, 16 ]o-185o (1974); G. Rouqerol,
L 'Artillerie au debut des guerres de Ia Revolution (Paris 1898) and B.P.
Hughes, Open Fire I Artillery Tactics from Marlborough to Wellington
(Chichester 1983).
Napoleon's juvenilia is conveniently collected in Oeuvres litteraires, ed.
Tulard (Paris 1968). Napoleon the writer is dealt with in N. Tomiche,
Napoleon Ecrivain (Paris 1952). Works on Rousseau which shed light on
his influence on the young Napoleon include Carol Blum, Jean-Jacques
Rousseau and the Republic of Virtue (Ithaca, NY, 1986) and D. Mornet, Les
sentiments de Ia Nature en France de J-J Rousseau a Bernardin de Saint­
Pierre (Paris 1907).
The complicated activities and travels of Napoleon's siblings are dealt
with in Desmond Seward, Napoleon's Family (1986). The basic source for
this and other such accounts (e.g. Theo Aronson, The Story of the
Bonapartes (1967)) is F. Masson, Napoleon et sa famille, 13 vols
(1897-1919). See also J. Valynseele, Le Sang des Bonaparte (Paris 1954);
Herve Pinoteau, Vingt-cinq ans d'etudes dynastiques (Paris 1982). For
Louis there is F. Rocquain, Napoleon I et le Roi Louis (1875) and Labarre
de Raillecourt, Louis Bonaparte (1963). Background on the Palais-Royal,
where Napoleon had his first sexual encounter, is available in Fran�ois de
Saint-Paul, Tableau du Nouveau Palais-Royal, 2 vols (Paris 1788) and
Robert Isherwood, Farce and Fantasy: Popular Entertainment in Eight­
eenth-Century Paris (Oxford 1986). The relationship with Ceracchi is
dealt with in Hilaire Belloc, Napoleon (1932).


The memoirs of Bourrienne and Joseph are useful for this period.
Napoleon's Memoirs, ed. S. de Chair (1948), shed light on the complex
activities in Corsica. Lucien Bonaparte's Memoirs (1836) denote the point
at which Lucien became a significant figure in the story. On Lucien see
also Fran�ois Pietri, Lucien Bonaparte (1939); Napoleon's own testimony
also appears in Tulard, O:uvres litteraires, op.cit. Vol.2
For the political situation in Corsica D. Perelli, Lettres de Pascal Paoli,
6 vols (Bastia 1889) is an obvious source. Paoli should also be studied in
Peter Thrasher, Pasquale Paoli, an Enlightened Hero, 17 25-1807 (1970);
Dominique Colonna, Le Vrai Visage de Pascal Paoli en Angleterre (Nice
1969) and Rene Emmannuelli, Vie de Pascal Paoli (Lumio 1978). On the
tangled politics of Corsica see also L. Villat, La Corse de 1768 a 1789
(Paris 1925); F.R.J. de Pommereul, Histoire de l 'fle de Corse, 2 vols (Berne
1779); Jacques-Maurice Gaudin, Voyage en Corse et vue politique sur
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