Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

Woronoff, The Thermidorean Regime and the Directory I7 94 -I799 (1984);
Martin Lyons, France under the Directory (1975); M.J. Syndenham, The
First French Republic I792-I8 04 (1974). For 13 Vendemiaire see Henri
Zivy, Le IJ Vendemiaire An IV (Paris 1898). Murat's crucial role is
examined in A. H. Atteridge, Joachim Murat, Marshal of France and King
of Naples ( 1911) and H. Cole, The Betrayers: Joachim and Caroline Murat
(1972). See also Jean Tulard, Murat (Paris 1985).
The relationship with Josephine is central to an understanding of the
flesh-and-blood Napoleon. There are many editions of Napoleon's letters
to Josephine but the most scholarly is Jean Tulard, ed. Napoleon: Lettres
d'amour a Josephine (Paris 1981). Hortense de Beauharnais, Memoires de Ia
reine Hortense, publies par le prince Napoleon (Paris 1928) ·is another
essential primary source. There is a vast literature on Josephine, of which
Evangeline Bruce (cited above) is the best in English. Other indicative
titles are Louis Hastier, Le Grand Amour de Josephine (Paris 1955); Andre
Gavoty, Les amoureux de l'imperatrice Josephine (Paris 1961) and Andre
Castelot, Josephine (Paris 1964). Jung's remarks on the 'mother complex'
are at CW. 9 i. pp.161-62.
Paul Barras is of prime importance to the story of both Napoleon and
Josephine, but there is as yet no first-rate book on his life. J.P. Garnier,
Barras, roi du Directoire (Paris 1970) is best supplemented by the Barras
memoirs and the general histories of the Directory. On Kellermann and
the Italian fr ont see David Chandler, ed., Napoleon's Marshals (1987).


The first three volumes of Napoleon's Correspondance are fundamental for
the years 1796--97. Other invaluable primary sources for the campaigns
include M. Reinhard, Avec Bonaparte en Italie d'apres les lettres inedites de
son aide de camp Joseph Sulkowski (Paris 1946); J. B. Marbot, The Memoirs
of Baron Marbot (1892); General Koch, ed. Memoires de Massena, 7 vols
(Paris 185o).
The Italian campaign has been studied exhaustively, as in J. Colin,
Campagne de I796-I 797 (Paris 1898); C. von Clausewitz, La campagne de
I7 96 en Italie, trans J. Colin (Paris 1899); Gabriel Fabry, La Campagne
d'Italie, 3 vols (Paris 1901); J. Thiry, Napoleon en Italie (1973).
Napoleon's military debut is studied in Gabriel Defosse, Montenotte, Ia
premiere victoire de Napoleon, I2 avril I7 96 (Paris 1986). The usual view
of the Italian campaign is that it reveals Bonaparte's peerless military
genius, but this view was strongly challenged in the iconoclastic book by
Guglielmo Ferrero, The Gamble (1939).

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