Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

(Newton Abbot 1977); J. Weller, Wellington in the Peninsula (1962). An
allied subject is overall British policy in the peninsula, which closely
involved the Wellesley family. See J.K. Severn, A Wellesley Affair:
Richard, Marquess Wellesley, and the Conduct ofAnglo-Spanish Diplomacy,
I8og-I8I2 (Tallahassee, Fla. 1981) and Rory Marir, Britain and the defeat
of Napoleon, 1807-1815 (1996).
Pro-French Spaniards (afrancesados), patriots and guerrillas have not
been so extensively studied but the following are useful: J. Polt, Gaspar
Melchor de Jovellanos (N.Y. 1971); A. Demerson, Don Juan Melendez
Valdes et son temps (Paris 1962); A. Derozier, ManuelJosefQuintana et Ia
naissance du liberalisme en Espagne (Paris 1968); M. Defourneaux, Pablo de
Olavide ou l'afrancesado (Paris 1959); F. Solano Costa, El guerrillero y su
trascendencia (Zaragoza 1959); C.J. Esdaile, 'Heroes or Villains? The
Spanish Guerrillas and the Peninsular War', History Today (April 1988);
A.D. Berkeley, ed. New Lights on the Peninsular War (Lisbon 1991). See
also the 1975 edition of Consortium on Revolutionary Europe Proceedings.


For Josephine's replacement as Empress by Marie-Louise see Frederic
Masson, Josephine Repudiee (Paris n.d.) and L'Imperatrice Marie-Louise
(Paris n.d.). For Metternich's key role in the marriage negotiations see R.
Metternich, ed., Memoirs of Prince Metternich, I77J-I8IS (188o); E.
Corti, Metternich und die Frauen (Vienna 1948) and C. de Grunwald, 'Le
Mariage de Napoleon et de Marie-Louise', Revue des Deux Mondes 38 &
41 (1937). For the psychology of the new empress see Gilbert Martineau,
Marie-Louise (Paris 1985) and Genevieve Chastenet, Marie-Louise:
l'imperatrice oubliee (Paris 1983). 'L'Aiglon', the Emperor's son and heir,
is comprehensively dealt with in Jean Tulard, Napoleon II (Paris 1992).
The most fu ndamental work for the Continental System is F. Crouzet,
L 'Economie britannique et le Blocus continental (Paris 1958). E. F. Hecksher,
The Continental System (Oxford 1922) is still the most accessible general
work in English. Cf. also Bertrand de Jouvenel, Napoleon et l'economie
dirigee: Le Blocus continental (Paris 1942) These three should be
supplemented by some notable monographs dealing with particular
aspects of the system: G. Ellis, Napoleon's Continental Blockade: The Case
of Alsace (1981); Marcel Dunan, Le Systeme Continental et les debuts du
royaume de Baviere (Paris 1943); E. Tarle, Le Blocus Continental et le
royaume d'ltalie (Paris 1928); D. Heils, Les Rapports economiques franco­
danois sous le Directoire, le Consulat et !'Empire (Paris 1958); M. Cerenville,
Le Systeme continental et Ia Suisse, I80J-I8IJ (Lausanne 1906); F.L.
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