Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

1812 (Paris 1940). See also Dominique de Pradt, Histoire de l'ambassade
dans le grand-duche de Varsovie (Paris 1815 ).
Wider foreign policy implications appear in Alan Palmer, Russia in
War and Peace (1972); A. Lobanov Rostovsky, Russia and Europe,
17 89-1 825 (Durham, N.C. 1947); P.K. Grimsted, The Foreign Ministers
of Alexander I: Political Attitudes and the Conduct of Russian Foreign
Policy, 18 01-18 25 (L.A. 1969); V. Puryear, Napoleon and the Dardanelles
(Berkeley 1951); M. Raeff, Michael Speransky, Statesman of Imperial
Russia, 17 72-1 839 (The Hague 1957); A.C. Niven, Napoleon and
Alexander I: a Study in Anglo-Russian Relations, 1807-1 812 (Washington
DC 1978); H. Ragsdale, Detente in the Napoleonic Era: Bonaparte and the
Russians (Lawrence, Kansas 1980).
Other aspects of 1812, a true annus mirabilis, include the question of
Napoleon's motivation, for which clues can be picked up in his letters to
Marie-Louise. Freud's wild (or inspired?) guess comes in a letter to
Thomas Mann, 29 November 1936, in Ernst Freud, Letters of Sigmund
Freud 1873-1939 (1961) p. 430. See also H. Parker, 'Why did Napoleon
invade Russia? A study in motivation, personality and social structure',
Consortium on Revolutionary Europe Proceedings (1989) pp.86--<)6. Britain's
war with the United States is dealt with in Harry Coles, The War of 1812
(Chicago 1965) and Donald R. Hickey, The War of 18 12: a forgotten
conflict (Urbana, Ill. 1989). The Malet conspiracy has, strangely, attracted
dozens of studies but there is no need to go beyond the following: B.
Melchior-Bonnet, La conspiration de General Malet (Paris 1963); J.
Mistler, Napoleon et !'Empire (Paris 1968) and G. Artom, Napoleon is
Dead in Russia (NY 1970).


The years 1812-14 in Spain yield some specialized monographs of great
interest: Jean Sarramon, La bataille des Arapiles, 22 juillet 1812 (Paris
1978); Peter Young and J.P. Lawford, Wellington's Masterpiece: the Battle
and Campaign of Salamanca (1973); Philip J. Haythornthwaite, Die Hard:
Dramatic Action from the Napoleonic Wars (1996); F. Rousseau, La
Carriere du marechal Suchet (Paris 1898); P. Conard, Napoleon et Ia
Catalogne (Paris 1910); C. Clerc, Campagne du Marechal Soult dans les
Pyrenees occidentales en 18 13-14 (Paris 1894); L. Batcave, La Bataille
d'Orthez (Paris 1914); Henri Geschwind and Frans;ois Gelis, La Bataille
de Toulouse (Paris 1914 ); Jac Weller, Wellington in the Peninsula (1962);
Michael Glover, Wellington's Peninsular Victories (1963).
The great upsurge of German nationalism in 1813 has produced a vast
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