Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

The period on St Helena is particularly rich in eyewitness accounts. The
following are fundamental: Marie-Joseph Emmanuel-Dieudonne de las
Cases, Memorial de Saint-Helene ou journal oii se trouve consigne ... tout ce
qu'a dit etfait Napoleon ... du 2ojuin I8IS au 25 novembre I8I6, ed. M.
Dunan, 2 vols (Paris 1822); Barry E. O'Meara, Napoleon in Exile; or a
Voice from St Helena ( 1888); Francois Antommarchi, Memo ires du docteur
F. Antommarchi ou les derniers moments de Napoleon, 2 vols (Paris 1825);
Comte Charles-Fran�ois-Tristan de Montholon, Recits de Ia captivite de
l'Empereur Napoleon a Sainte-Helene, 2 vols (Paris 1847); Baron General
Gaspar Gourgaud, Sainte-Helene, journal inMit de I8IS a I8I8, 2 vols
(Paris 1889); Comte Louis-Joseph-Narcisse Marchand, Memoires de
Marchand, premier valet de chambre et executeur testamentaire de l'empereur,
ed. J. Bourguignon, 2 vols (Paris 1955 ); Comte General Henri-Gratien
Bertrand, General Bertrand ... Cahiers de Sainte-Helene, 3 vols (Paris
1959). See also the superb collectaneous volume: Jean Tulard, Napoleon a
Sainte-Helene (Paris 1981) and the bibliography by C. Albert-Samuel in
Revue de l'Institut Napoleon (1971) pp.151-57·
For the voyage out on the Northumberland, add the following (in
addition to Maitland and Keith's narratives cited in the last chapter): J.H.
Rose, Napoleon's Last Voyages (1906); Gilbert Martineau, Napoleon's Last
Journey (1976); Clement Shorter, Napoleon and his Fellow-travellers
(1908); Felix Coquereau, Souvenirs du voyage a Sainte Helene (Paris
1841); G. Bordonove, Vers Sainte Helene (Paris 1977); Arnold Chaplin, A
St Helena Who's Who (1919); G. Cockburn, Napoleon's Last Voyage
For the captivity on St Helena, the following primary sources (or
collections thereof) should be added: Julian Park, trans. & ed, Napoleon in
Captivity: The Reports of Count Balmain, Russian Commissioner on the
island of St Helena I8I6-I82o (1928); Lady Pulteney Malcolm, Diary of
St Helena (1899); J.N. Santini, An Appeal to the British Nation (1817);
Elizabeth Balcom be Abell, Recollections of the Emperor Napoleon ( 1 844);
Montholon, Lettres du comte et comtesse Montholon, ed. P. Gonnard (Paris
1906); W. Henry, Events of a Military Lifo (1834); W. Warden, Letters
written on board the Northumberland and at St Helena (1816); James
Kemble, St Helena during Napoleon's Exile (1969); J. Stokoe, With
Napoleon at St Helena (1902); Basil Jackson, Reminiscences of a Staff
Officer (1877); E. Lutyens, Letters of Captain Engelbert Lutyens (1915);
Henry Meynell, Conversations with Napoleon at St Helena (1911);
Constance Russell, Swallowfield and its Owners (1901); Louis Etienne St-

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