Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

Dessalines, Jean-Jacques 238, 239
Desbriere, 334
Desgenettes, Dr, I93, I95
Destaing, I96
Diaz, Juan, 455
Dieppe, Royal Naval bombardment (I8o3),
corruption, 208--<j, 2I2
coup by Napoleon on IS Brumaire,
discredited by defeats in Europe, I97,
dissolved by Napoleon, 2I9, zzi
economic crisis, zo8--<), 250
Elders give Napoleon command of
armed forces in Paris, 2 I 5
military crisis ends with victories over
Allies, 204
power struggle with Napoleon, I5o-66,
struggle for power between Right and
Left, I5I-5, 2IQ-I I
Djezzar Pasha, I90, I9I
Doctorov, 362
Dolgorouki, Count, 342
Dolomieu, Dieudonne de Gratet, I7I
Dommartin, General, I93
killed at Acre, I92
Doveton, Sir William, 653
Dresden, 380, 410, 50I-z, 563, 564-5, 566,
567, 603
battle of I8I3, 470
Dresden conclave (I8I3), 557---9, 562
falls to Napoleon (I8I3), 552
Prussians enter, 550
Drouot, General Antoine, 604
Du Pan, Mallet, I 52
Du Teil, Baron Jean-Pierre, 36, 37, 38, 39,
40, 4I, 42, 70, 73, 76, I36
Dublin, failure of pro-French coup, 323
Duchard, Antoine, lover of Pauline, 598
Duchatel, Adele, 630
affair with Napoleon, 300-I
Duchesnois, Mile, affair with Napoleon,
Ducos, Roger, ZIO zrr, 223
involvement in Brumaire coup, ziz, 2I5,
Dufalgo, General Caffarelli, I65
Dugommier, General, 74-5, 76
Duhesne, General, 399
Dumas, Alexandre, 66o
Dumas, General, I70, I85, 44I
Dumerbion, General, 78, So
Dumolard, I 52
Dumouriez, General Charles Fran�ois 305
defeat of Prussians at Valmy, 58
Dunkirk invasion port, 32I, 322

Dundas, Ist Viscount Melville, Henry, I72
Dupont, General Pierre Antoine, 234, 34I,
374, 400
defeat in Spain, 399
Dupuy, Father, IS
Dupuy, General, I87
Duroc, General Christophe, 76, I76, I87,
I98, zoo, 230, 27I, z8I, zSz, 36I, 363,
408, 462, 537
Grand Marshal of the Palace, 349
killed at Reichenbach, 555-6
Napoleon's greatest fr iend, 7 5, 555-6
Russian front (I8Iz), 5rr, 532

Ebbe, d', 44I
Eble, General, 534-5
Eckmiihl, battle of I 809, mistakes of
, Napoleon, 4I3
Ecole Royale Militaire, Paris, 23-7, 28--<j,
cadet at, 2 3--6, 29
economic crises (I8II-I3): in France,
490-2; in Britain, 492-4
economic policy, 250-I
economic warfare, 477---93
Egyptian expedition, I67-20I
Battle of the Nile, I8o-I, I83, I84, I85
Battle of the Pyramids, I78--<j
British victory at Aboukir (I8oi) leads
to surrender, I99, 234, 235
El Arish treaty (I8oo), I99
Heliopolis battle, I 99
Napoleon's retreat, I98--<), 202
propaganda victory, I 84
revolts in Nile delta, I94
EI-Hadj-Mustafa, Emir, I94
El Medi, I94
ceded to France by King of Naples
(I8oi), 235
Napoleon's banishment (I8I4), 590,
597-8; escape (I 8 I 5), 6o4
Elliot, Sir Gilbert, viceroy to Corsica, 6 5
Emmet, Robert, failure of pro-French coup
in Dublin, 323
Enghien, due d', plot against Napoleon,
execution, 294-5, 296, 336, 394, 66o,
Erfurt, treaty of, 404
Erion, Drouet d', 6I3, 6I6, 6I7, 623
Eylau, battle of, 366--70

Fain, Baron Agathon, 446--7, 537, 567
Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, 339, 4rr,
Ferdinand IV, King of Spain, 346, 39I,
393, 394-5, 397-8, 454, 456, 462, 502,
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