Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

Serurier, Marshal Jean Philibert, 108, Iog,
I I2, 120, 128, 129, 306, 309
Servan, Joseph, 57
Seven Years War, 6, 135
Shortt, Dr, 6ss, 6s 6
Sicily, 392, 502
invaded by Murat (I810), 436
Sieyes, Abbe Emmanuel, 157, IS9, rg8,
207, 210, 211, 222
involvement in Brumaire coup, 212, 2I3,
215, 2I6, 217, 2I8, 219, 220
sidelined by Napoleon, 223, 224
under surveillance, 2 52
Simeon, 44I
Simon, General, 244
Smith, Sir Sidney, 75, 76, 189, 194, 280,
investment of Lisbon (I8o7), 390
landing at Aboukir Bay, I95; retreat, I97
mediates between France and 'Turkey,
siege of Acre, 191
Smolensk, 513-I5, 521, 522, 524, 529-3 1
battle of (1812), su-14
Solomon, Gideon, 643
Somerset, Lord, 623
Sorel, Georges, 138, 237, 287
Sault, Marshal Jean, 228, 232, 307, 309,
319, 322, 338, 342, 344, 356, 358, 367,
368, 407, 417, 447, 457, 458, 462,
545-6, 553, 554, 555, 559, SI 1, 576,
s86, 613, 6IS, 6r7, 62o
death, 663
defeat at Oporto, 451
Marshal of France, 305
Minister of War, 607
siege of Cadiz, 452, 544
alliance with France, 235, 392-3
destruction of fleet at Trafalgar, 332,
entry into war ( 1 8o4), 327
occupied by France (I8o8), 391, 393
Peninsular War revolt, 395, 397, 405-8,
450-63, 544-6
revolt at Aranjuez, 393-4
victory at Bailen ( I8o8), 452
Spain, Qu een of, 390, 393
Spina of Corinth, Archbishop, 246, 247
Stael, de Germaine, 89, go, IS3, 159,
!62-3, 207, 222, 278, 297, 428
loathed by Napoleon and exiled, 253
Staps, Frederick, attempted assassination of
Napoleon, 423
Stein, Friedrich, 410
Stendhal, 146, 311-12, 664
Stokoe, Dr John, 649-50, 654, 656, 66r
Strasbourg, abandoned by French (r8I4),

Sturmer, Commissioner, 645
Suchet, Marshal Louis-Gabriel, 75, 76,
228, 232, 307, 441, 452, 559, s6r, s86,
6r2, 613
death, 663
finest of commanders, 3IO
loyalty, 611
Peninsular War, 458, 462, 544, 546
Sulkowski, 125
Suvorov, General
defeat at Zurich, 204
victories in Italy, 203
allied to Russia by Bernadotte (I 812 ),
so2, 547, s 63
Bernadotte accepts throne as Charles
XIV, 471-2, 495
constitutional crisis (r8ro), 471
joins Third Coalition, 337
campaign in, I70, 204
new constitution imposed, 264-5, 426
popularity of Napoleon, 437
satellite state, 426
Syrian campaign, 189-94
fa ilure of siege of Acre, I91-3
French retreat, 193-4
massacre at Jaffa, r8g-go, 201
Mount Tabor battle, rgi-2, I93
plague in French Army, rgo-r, 192, 193

Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de, 150, 151,
152-3, I54, rs6, r s 8, r62, r8s, 2ro,
2 I I, 22 3, 224, 246, 24 7, 249, 266, 267,
273, 285, 293, 317, 319, 335, 345, 347,
353, 354, 380, 38I, 382, 383, 389, 395,
4IO, 4II, 495, 496, 585, 599, 631-2,
alienation of, 379
allied with Joseph Bonaparte, 266, 270
assessment of Napoleon, 664
betrayal, 598, 628
double dealing, IS3, I84, 280, 557, 577,
entente with Napoleon, 159
Foreign Minister, 223, 226-7, 235
involvement in Brumaire coup, 212, 213,
216, 2I7, 220, 22I
neutralizes Prussia (r8os), 336
plans Egyptian adventure, 167, 170, I73
plots against Napoleon, 295, 402, 403-4,
405, 408
restoration of Bourbons, s88, 6oo
sacked as Grand Chamberlain, 409
welcomes Allies into Paris (r8r4), 586- 7
Tallien, Jean-Lambert, 89
Tallien, Theresia, 89, go, 91, 92, 98, 99,
100, 102, 371- 2
mistress of Barras, 100
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