Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

and write, Hill further realized that there was another key principle that,
in effect, unified the others. He termed this newly recognized principle
Cosmic Habitforce, which, when he began working with W. Clement Stone,
was also referred to as the Universal Law.
In consultation with the Napoleon Hill Foundation, the editors of this
revised and updated edition have drawn upon Napoleon Hill's later writ-
ings, including The Master Key to Riches and How to Raise Your Own
Salary, in order to incorporate the final evolution of Hill's philosophy. The
inclusion of this seventeenth law makes this the most complete edition of
Law of Success.

Cosmic Habitforce is the greatest of all natural laws. It is Nature's
comptroller through which all other natural laws are coordinated,
organized, and operated through orderliness and system. It is the
particular application of energy with which Nature maintains the
relationship between the atoms of matter, the stars and the planets
in their ceaseless motion, the seasons of the year, night and day,
sickness and health, life and death.
We see the stars and the planets move with such precision that
the astronomers can predetermine their exact location and their
relationship to one another scores of years hence. We see the seasons
of the year come and go with clocklike regularity. We know that an
oak tree grows from an acorn, and a pine tree grows from the seed
of its ancestor; that an acorn never makes a mistake and produces
a pine tree, nor does a pine seed produce an oak tree. We know that
nothing is ever produced that does not have its antecedents in some-
thing similar which preceded it.
Cosmic Habitforce is also the medium through which all habits
and all human relationships are maintained in varying degrees of
permanence. And it is the medium through which thought is trans-
lated into its physical equivalent in response to the desires and the
purposes of individuals.

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