Mankind is only an instrument through which higher powers than
his own are projecting themselves. This entire philosophy is designed
to lead you to this important discovery and to enable you to make use
of the knowledge it reveals-by placing yourself in harmony with the
unseen forces of the universe so that they may aid you in the formation
of the kind of habits that will carry you from where you are to where
you wish to be in life.
Cosmic Habitforce is the medium by which every living thing is
forced to take on and become a part of the environmental influences
in which it lives and moves. Thus it is clearly evident that success
attracts more success, and failure attracts more failure-a truth that
has long been known, but few have understood the reason for this
strange phenomenon.
It is known that a person who has seemed a failure may become
a most outstanding success by close association with those who think
and act in terms of success, but not everyone knows the reason this
is true is that the law of Cosmic Habitforce transmits the "success
consciousness" from the mind of the successful person to the mind
of the unsuccessful one when they are closely associated in daily life.
Whenever any two minds make contact a third mind is created,
patterned after the stronger of the two. Most successful people recog-
nize this truth and frankly admit that their success began with their
close association with someone whose positive mental attitude they
either consciously or unconsciously appropriated.
Cosmic Habitforce is silent, unseen, and unperceived through
any of the five physical senses. That is why it has riot been more
widely recognized, for most people do not attempt to understand
the intangible forces of Nature, nor are they interested in abstract
principles. However, these intangibles and abstractions represent the
real powers of the universe. They are the basis of everything that is
tangible and concrete.