Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

but our actions belie our words. Faith is a state of mind that may
become permanent only by actions. Belief alone is not sufficient.
The law of Cosmic Habitforce, or the Universal Law, is a power
equally available to the weak and the strong, the rich and the poor,
the sick and the well. It provides the solution to all human problems.

Now let us examine the word habit. Webster's dictionary gives the word
many definitions, among them: "Habit implies a settled disposition or
tendency due to repetition; custom suggests the fact of repetition rather
than the tendency to repeat; usage (applying only to a considerable
body of people) adds the implication of long acceptation or standing;
both custom and usage often suggest authority; as, we do many things
mechanically from force of habit."
Webster's definition runs on into considerable additional detail,
but no part of it comes within sight of describing the law that fixes
all habits, this omission being due no doubt to the fact that the law
of Cosmic Habitforce had not been revealed to the editors of this
dictionary. But we observe one significant and important word in the
Webster's definition-the word repetition. It is important because it
describes the means by which any habit is begun.
The habit of a difinite purpose, for example, becomes a habit only
by repetition of the thought of that purpose, by bringing it into
the mind repeatedly, and by repeatedly submitting that thought to
the Imagination with a burning desire for its fulfillment, until the
Imagination creates a practical plan for attaining this desire. By ap-
plying the habit of faith in connection with the desire, and by doing
it intensely and repeatedly, one may see themself already in posses-
sion of the object of desire even before he or she begins to attain it.
The building of voluntary positive habits calls for the application
of self-discipline, persistence, willpower, and faith-all of which are
available to the person who has assimilated the sixteen preceding
principles of this philosophy.
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