Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

The law of Cosmic Habitforce is the power that takes over the
ego and provides it with the material counterparts of the thoughts
that shape it. This law does not give quality or quantity to the ego; it
merely takes what it finds and translates it into its physical equivalent.
The people of great achievement are, and have always been, those
who deliberately feed and shape their own ego, leaving nothing to
luck or chance, or to the fluctuations of life.
Every person may control the shaping of their own ego, but from
that point on he or she has no more to do with what happens than
does the farmer have anything to do with what happens to the seed
he sows in the soil of the earth. The inexorable law of Cosmic Habit-
force causes every living thing to perpetuate itself after its kind, and
it translates the picture that a person paints of their ego into its
physical equivalent as definitely as it develops an acorn into an oak
tree. And no outside aid whatsoever is required, except time.
From these statements it is obvious that I am not only advocat-
ing the deliberate development and control of the ego but I am also
warning that no one can hope to succeed in any calling without such
control over their ego.
A properly developed ego is the product of several factors, which
I will outline for you here.
First you must ally yourself with one or more persons who will
coordinate their minds with yours in a spirit of perfect harmony for
the attainment of a definite purpose, and that alliance must be contin-
uous and active. Moreover, the alliance must consist of people whose
spiritual and mental qualities, education, and age are suited for aiding
in the attainment of the purpose of the alliance.
For example, Andrew Carnegie's Master Mind alliance was made
up of more than twenty men, each of whom brought to the alliance
some quality of mind, experience, education, or knowledge that was
directly related to the object of the alliance and not available through
any of the other members of the alliance.

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