United States, should get together and form an alliance for the purpose
of pooling their power and using it for the benefit of all members of
these organizations.
The results that might easily be attained by such an alliance stagger
the imagination!
There are three outstanding powers in the world of organized iffort:
the churches, the schools, and the newspapers. Think what might easily
happen if these three great powers and molders of public opinion were
to ally themselves for the purpose of bringing about any needed change
in human conduct. They could, in a single generation, so modify the
present standard of business ethics, for example, that it would practically
be business suicide for any company or individual to attempt to trans-
act business under any standard except that of the Golden Rule. Such an
alliance could be made to produce sufficient influence to change, in a
single generation, the business, social, and moral tendencies of the entire
civilized world. Such an alliance would have sufficient power to force on
the minds of the upcoming generations any ideals desired.
Power is organized iffort, as has already been stated. And success is
based upon power!
That you may have a dear concept of what is meant by the term
organized iffort, I have made use of the foregoing illustrations. For the
sake of further emphasis, I am going to repeat the statement that the
accumulation of great wealth and the attainment of any high station in
life, such as those that constitute what we ordinarily call success, are
based on the vision to comprehend and the ability to assimilate and
apply the major principles of the seventeen lessons of this course.
This course is in complete harmony with the principles of eco-
nomics and the principles of applied psychology. You will observe that
when a lesson depends, for its practical application, on the student
having knowledge of psychology, that lesson has been supplemented
with sufficient explanation of the psychological principles involved to
render it easily understood.