Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1


Assuming the continuation of that annual savings of $4,040, there will be more
than $10,500 in the bank by Terry's thirtieth birthday. And assuming just 3 percent
growth and the annual savings contribution, Terry will reach the age of forty with
more than $55,000. Having a healthy nest egg to fall back on is a great antidote to
the fear of poverty, making it much easier to develop the self-confidence you need
to pursue your Definite Chief Aim. How much easier would it be for you to take a
risk if you knew that you had $55, 000 backing you up?

Some years ago, before giving serious thought to the value of the
savings habit, I made a personal account of the money that had slipped
through my fingers. The amount was so alarming that it resulted in
the writing of this lesson and adding The Habit of Saving as one of the
seventeen laws of success.
Following is an itemized statement of that account:
Inherited; invested in automobile supply business with
a friend who lost the entire amount in one year
Extra money earned from sundry writing for
magazines and newspapers, all spent uselessly
Earned from training 3,000 salesmen, with the aid
of the Law of Success philosophy, and invested
in a magazine that was not a success because
there was no reserve capital behind it
Extra money earned from public addresses, lectures,
etc., all of which was spent as it came in
Estimated amount that could have been saved during
a period of ten years out of regular earnings, at
the rate of only $50 a month






This amount, had it been saved and invested as received, in building
and loan associations or in some other manner that would have earned
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