Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1


I understand that by practicing this habit of taking the
Initiative in connection with my daily work I will be not only
developing that habit, but I will also be attracting the attention
of those who will place greater value on my services as a result
of this practice.
Signed .......................................

Regardless of what you are now doing, every day brings you a chance
to render some service, outside of the course of your regular duties, that
will be of value to others. In rendering this additional service of your
own accord, you of course understand that you are not doing so with
the objective of receiving monetary pay. You are rendering this service
because it provides you with ways and means of exercising, developing,
and making stronger the aggressive spirit of Initiative, a quality which
you must possess before you can ever become an outstanding figure in
your chosen field.
Those who work for money alone, and who receive as their pay
nothing but money, are always underpaid, no matter how much they
receive. Money is of course necessary, but the big prizes of life cannot
be measured in dollars and cents.
No amount of money could possibly be made to take the place of
the happiness and joy and pride that belong to the person who digs a
better ditch, or builds a better chicken coop, or sweeps a cleaner floor, or
cooks a better meal. Every normal person loves to create something that
is better than the average. The joy of creating a work of art is a joy that
cannot be replaced by money or any other form of material possession.
I employ a woman who opens, sorts, and answers much of my per-
sonal mail. She began in my employ more than three years ago. At that
time her duties were to take dictation. Her salary was about the same as
what others receive for similar service. One day I dictated the following
motto which I asked her to type for me:
Remember that your only limitation is the one you set up in your own mind.
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