Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1


Cultivate love for your fellow human being and you will no longer
want to lock horns with them in futile combat. Love makes each of us
our brother's keeper.

Love, indeed, is light from heaven;
A spark oj that immortal fire
With angels shared, by Allah given,
To lift from earth our low desire.
Devotion wafts the mind above,
But heaven itself descends in love;
A feeli ng from the Godhead caught,
To wean from self each sordid thought;
A ray oj Him who form'd the whole;
A glory circling round the soul.

There are twenty qualities a leader must possess. Rubber-spined people
will have no part in the Leadership of the future. They will have been
supplanted because they lacked the qualities essential for Leadership at
a time when the whole country was literally bleeding to death because of
poor Leadership. Leaders of the future must possess these qualities:

  1. Complete mastery over the six basic fears.

  2. Willingness to subordinate personal interests for the good of their
    followers. Complete mastery over avarice and greed.

  3. Singleness of purpose, represented by a definite program of Leader-
    ship which harmonizes with the needs of the times.

  4. Understanding and application of the Master Mind principle, by
    which power may be achieved through coordination of effort in a
    spirit of harmony.

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