Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

Before beginning the next lesson it may be helpful if you take inven-
tory of yourself and determine your rating on the twenty qualities of
Leadership. Self-analysis is always beneficial, provided the analysis is
accurate. Every essential for Leadership can be cultivated by anyone who
makes a reasonable effort to apply the Law of Success philosophy.
If you wish to be certain that your self-analysis is accurate, give
yourself a rating on each of the twenty qualities of Leadership and then
have it checked by two or three people who know you well enough to
judge you accurately.
Here is a simple method of rating yourself: Copy the twenty
qualities of Leadership on a sheet of paper. After each of the qualities
write the word "perfect, fair, or poor" according to what you believe
your rating to be. Perfect will entitle you to a rating of 5 percent, fair
will entitle you to a rating of 2.5 percent, and poor should be rated as
zero. Enter your rating for each quality on your analysis sheet. If your
total gives you an average of less than 75 percent, you will know that
you are not yet passable as a leader in your chosen occupation. The
chart will disclose where you are weak. Mastery of this philosophy will
provide all you need with which to eliminate or bridge your weakness.

. This self-analysis should be made before you continue on to the
next lesson, because it will help you get more from that lesson and from
all the lessons that follow. Remember, as you make this analysis, that
its purpose is to let you see yourself as you are, through eyes that are
dependable and friendly.
You are now ready for the lesson on Imagination. Read that lesson
with the thought in mind of all that has been stated here and it will
take on a deeper meaning.

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