Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

Still another reason why the Field's store can get more for their
merchandise than can most other stores is due to the careful selection
and supervision of the salespeople. One would seldom find a person
employed in the Field's store whom one would not be willing to accept
as a neighbor.
Merchandise purchased at the Field's store is packed or wrapped
more artistically than is common in other stores, which is yet another
reason why people will go out of their way and pay higher prices to
shop there.

While we are on the subject of the artistic wrapping of merchandise,
I wish to relate the experience of a friend of mine which shows how
Imagination may be used even in wrapping merchandise.
This friend had a very fine silver cigarette case that he had carried
for years, and of which he was very proud because it was a gift from
his wife.
Constant usage had banged the case up rather badly, so he decided
to take it to Caldwell, a jewelry store in Philadelphia, to be repaired.
He left the case and asked them to send it to his office when it was
About two weeks later a splendid-looking new livery wagon with the
Caldwell name on it drew up in front of his office, and a nice-looking
young man in a neat uniform stepped out with a package. It was artis-
tically wrapped and tied with a ribbon.
His secretary and other workers in his office gathered around his
desk to watch him open up his "present." He cut the ribbon and then
removed the outer covering. Under this was a covering of tissue paper,
fastened with beautiful gold seals bearing the Caldwell initials and their
trademark. This paper was removed, and a most beautiful plush-lined
box met his eyes. The box was opened, and, after removing the tissue-
paper packing, there was the cigarette case he had left to be repaired.

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