Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

Through the science of chemistry, matter may be broken up into
atoms, which are, within themselves, unchangeable. The elements are
created through, and by reason of, the combining and changing of the
positions of the atoms. Thus it may be seen that the physical elements
of the universe differ from one another only in the number of electrons
composing their atoms, and in the number and arrangement of those
atoms in the molecules of each element.
As an illustration, an atom of mercury contains eighty positive
charges ( electrons) in its nucleus and eighty negative outlying charges
( electrons). If only the chemist were to expel two of its positive elec-
trons it would instantly become the metal known as platinum. If only
the chemist could then go a step further and transform the platinum
into gold!
The formula through which this electronic change might be
produced has been the object of diligent search by the alchemists all
down the ages, and by the modern chemists of today.
It is a fact known to every chemist that literally tens of thousands
of synthetic substances may be composed out of only four kinds of
atoms-hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon.
It may be stated as a literal truth that the atom is the universal
particle with which Nature builds all material forms, from a grain
of sand to the largest star that floats through space. The atom is
Nature's building block out of which she erects an oak tree or a pine,
a rock of sandstone or granite, a mouse or an elephant.

Hill is indicating here that the universe is filled with invisible untapped energy.
It is the kind of energy that would later be demonstrated in the explosion of the
first atomic bomb.
But the essential message of this example is this: Around a clump of matter
there is a swirl of energy. That energy determines whether something attracts other
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