and general habits of thought change the chemistry of the mind. This
is my theory. That any individual may voluntarily change the chemistry
of his or her mind so that it will attract or repel all with whom it
comes in contact is a known fact! Stated in another way, any person
may assume a mental attitude that will attract and please others or
repel and antagonize them, and this without the aid of words or facial
expression or other form of bodily movement or demeanor.
Go back now to the definition of a Master Mind, a mind which
grows out of the blending and coordination of two or more minds
in a spirit oj peifect harmony, and you will catch the full significance of the
word harmony. Two minds will not blend, nor can they be coordinated,
unless the element of perfect harmony is present. That is the secret of
success or failure of practically all business and social partnerships.
Every sales manager and every military commander and every leader
in any walk of life understands the necessity of an esprit de corps-a
spirit of common understanding and Cooperation-in the attainment
of success. This mass spirit of harmony of purpose is obtained through
discipline, voluntary or forced, of such a nature that the individual
minds become blended into a Master Mind. That is, the chemistry of
the individual minds is modified in such a manner that these minds
blend and function as one.
The methods through which this blending process takes place are
as numerous as the individuals engaged in all the various forms of
Leadership. Every leader has a method of coordinating the minds of
his or her followers. One will use force; another persuasion. One will
play upon the fear of penalties while another plays upon rewards.
The aim will be to reduce the individual minds of a given group of
people to the point that they may be blended into a mass mind.
You will not have to search deeply into the history of statesmanship,
politics, business, or finance to discover the techniques employed by
the leaders in these fields in the process of blending the minds of
individuals into a mass mind.