Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

Accurate Thinking is thinking that makes intelligent use of all
the powers of the human mind, and it does not stop with the mere
examination, classification, and arranging of ideas. Accurate Thinking
creates ideas and it may be made to transform these ideas into their
most profitable, constructive form.
You will perhaps be better prepared to analyze, without a feeling
of skepticism and doubt, the principles laid down in this lesson if
you keep in mind that the conclusions and hypotheses are not solely
mine. I have had the benefit of close Cooperation from some of the
leading investigators in the field of mental phenomena.

To illustrate Hill's point that the principles he proposed were accepted by other
experts, the editors offer the following list of books and audiobooks by a variety
of experts, all of whom are leaders in their fields, and whose principles parallel
Hill's. Many of these books have been recommended in other lessons, but they
are equally applicable to this section on accurate thinking: Super Creativity by
Tony Buzan; The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron; The 7 Habits of Highly Effective
People by Stephen Covey; Lateral Thinking, Six Thinking Hats, and Super
Thinking by Edward De Bono; Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty
Edwards; The Zen of Seeing by Frederick Franck; Writing Down the Bones by
Natalie Goldberg; Peak Learning by Ronald Gross; Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
by Susan Jeffers; Thinkertoys by Michael Michalko; Superlearning by Sheilah
Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder; Writing the Natural Way by Gabriele Rico; Awaken
the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins, and the complete Anthony Robbins library
of PowerTalk! audiobooks; Wishcraft by Barbara Sher; Do What You Love, the
Money Will Follow by Marsha Sinetar; A Kick in the Seat of the Pants by R. von
Oech; Sell Your Way to the Top by Zig Zigler.

In the next lesson, Concentration, you will be further instructed
in the method of using autosuggestion. In fact, throughout this course,
the principle of gradual unfoldment has been followed, paralleling

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