Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

Then repeat your Definite Chief Aim in life, and as you do so,
in your Imagination see yourself in full possession of the object of
that aim. If a part of your aim is the accumulation of money, as it
undoubtedly is, then see yourself in possession of that money. If a
part of the object of your Definite Chief Aim is to own a home, then
see a picture of that home in your Imagination just as you expect to
see it in reality. If a part of your Definite Chief Aim is to become a
powerful and influential public speaker, then see yourself before an
enormous audience, andjeel yourself playing on the emotions of that
audience as a great violinist would play on the strings of a violin.
Begin now to cultivate the ability to fix attention, at will, on
a given subject, with a feeling that this ability when fully developed
would bring you the object of your Definite Chief Aim in life.


Success, as has been stated in dozens of different ways throughout
this course, is very largely a matter of tactful and harmonious negoti-
ation with other people. Generally speaking, one who understands how
to get people to do the things they want done may succeed in any
I will now describe those principles through which people are
influenced, through which Cooperation is gained, and through which
antagonism is eliminated and friendliness developed.
Force sometimes gets what appear to be satisfactory results, but
force alone never has built and never can build enduring success.
The human body can be imprisoned or controlled by physical
force, but it is not so with the human mind. No one can control the
mind of a normal, healthy person if that person chooses to exercise
their God-given right to control their own mind.
The majority of the people do not exercise this right. They go
through the world, thanks to our faulty educational system, without

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