Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

Here Mr. J. A. Fisk gives an interesting account of the influence
of mental suggestion in a revival meeting.


Modern psychology has firmly established the fact that the
greater part of the phenomena of the religious "revival" are
psychical rather than spiritual in their nature. The leading
authorities recognize the fact that the mental excitement of
the emotional appeals of the "revivalist" must be classified
with the phenomena of hypnotic suggestion rather than with
that of true religious experience. In fact, by some careful
observers, familiar with the respective phenomena, the reli-
gious "revival" meeting is classed with the public hypnotic
"entertainment" ....
In order to understand the principle of the operation
of mental suggestion in the revival meeting, we must first
understand something of what is known as the psychology oj
the crowd.
Psychologists are aware that the psychology of a crowd
differs from that of the separate individuals composing that
crowd. There is a crowd of separate individuals, and a compo-
site crowd in which the emotional natures of the units seem to
blend and fuse.
The change arises from the influence of earnest attention,
or deep emotional appeals, or common interest. When this
change occurs, the crowd becomes a composite individual
whose intelligence and emotional control is little above that
of its weakest member .... The predominant characteristics
of this "composite-mindedness" of a crowd are the eviden-
ces of extreme suggestibility, response to appeals of emotion,
vivid imagination, and action arising from imitation ....
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