Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

The law upon which the principle of a Master Mind operates
was discovered by Christ, when he surrounded himself with twelve
disciples and created the first Thirteen Club of the world. Despite
the fact that one of the thirteen 0udas) broke the chain of harmony,
sufficient seed had been sown during the period of harmony that
originally existed between these thirteen people to ensure the con-
tinuation of the greatest and most far-reaching philosophy known to
the inhabitants of this earth.
Many millions of people believe themselves to possess wisdom.
Many of these do possess wisdom, in certain elementary stages, but
no one may possess real wisdom without the aid of the power of a
Master Mind, and such a mind cannot be created except through the
principle of blending, in harmony, of two or more minds.
Through many years of practical experimentation it has been
found that thirteen minds, when blended in a spirit of perfect har-
mony, produce the most practical results. On this principle, whether
consciously or unconsciously, is founded all of the great industrial and
commercial successes that are so abundant in this age.

The successful business, industrial, and financial enterprises are those
managed by leaders who either consciously or unconsciously apply
the principle of coordinated effort described here. If you would be a
great leader in any undertaking, surround yourself with other minds
that can be blended in a spirit of Cooperation so that they act and
function as one. If you can grasp this principle and apply it, you may
have, for your efforts, whatever you want.
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