Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1


Vanderlip went on, "that will give the bank the benefit of my experi-
ence in the bond business. I propose to create a bond department for
this bank and advertise it as a feature of our business:'
"What! This bank advertise?" queried the president. "Why, we
have never advertised since we began business, and we have managed
to get along without ie'
"Well, this is where you are going to begin advertising;' said Mr.
Vanderlip, "and the first thing you are going to advertise is this new
bond department that I have planned:'
Mr. Vanderlip won. Men of action usually win-that is one of
their distinctive characteristics. The National City Bank also won,
because that conversation was the beginning of one of the most
progressive and profitable advertising campaigns ever carried on by
any bank, with the result that the National City Bank became one
of the most powerful financial institutions of America.
There were other results too. Mr. Vanderlip grew with the bank,
as men of action usually grow in whatever they help to build, until
finally he became the president of that great banking house.


In the lesson on Imagination you learned how to recombine old ideas
into new plans. But no matter how practical your plans may be, they
will be useless if they are not expressed in action. To dream dreams and
see visions of the person you would like to be or the station in life
you would like to attain are admirable, provided you transform your
dreams and visions into reality through intensive action.
There are some people who dream but do nothing more. There are
others who take the visions of the dreamers and translate them into
stone, and marble, and music, and good books, and railroads, and steam-
ships. There are still others who both dream and transform their dreams
into reality. They are the dreamer-doer types.

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