It was found that the average person who joined this school would
reach the zenith of his or her selling power within one week, after
which it was necessary to revitalize the individual's brain through a
group sales meeting. These sales meetings were conducted on very
much the same order as are the modern revival meetings, with much
the same stage equipment, including music and high-powered speakers
who could exhort the salespeople.
Not to belabor the obvious, but the style of presentation that Hill refers to in
commenting on the similarity between revival meetings and his sales meetings can
also be seen at almost any self-help or personal-growth seminar.
Call it religion, psychology, mind chemistry, or anything you please
(they are all based on the same principle), but there is nothing more
certain than that wherever a group of minds are brought into contact,
in a spirit of perfect harmony, each mind becomes immediately supple-
mented and reinforced by the noticeable energy called a Master Mind.
For all I profess to know, this uncharted energy may be the Spirit
of the Lord, but it operates just as favorably when called by any other
name. The human brain and nervous system constitute a piece of intri-
cate machinery which but few, if any, understand. When controlled
and properly directed, this piece of machinery can be made to perform
wonders of achievement; and if not controlled it will perform wonders
fantastic and phantomlike in nature, as may be seen by observing the
patients of any psychiatric hospital.
The human brain has direct connection with a continuous influx of
energy from which we derive our power to think. The brain receives this
energy, mixes it with the energy created by the food taken into the
body, and distributes it to every portion of the body through the aid
of the blood and the nervous system. It thus becomes what we call life.