To Cerance
when the dawn of Intef[igenre sfut[[ have spreruf its wings
over tlie eastern horizon of progress, and ignorance and
superstition sfut[[ have Ceft tlieir fast footprints on tlie sands
of time, it wi[[ 6e recorded in tlie 600k of man's crimes and
mistakes that liis most grievous sin was that of intoferance!
Tlie 6itterest intoferance grows out of raciaC and
refigious cfifferenres of opinion, as the resuft of earCy cliifdhood
training. How Cong, 0 Master of Human Destinies, untiC
we poor mortafs wiCC understand tlie foCfy of trying to
destroy one anotlier 6ecause of cfogma5 and creecfs and
otlier supeificiaC matters over wliicli we cfo not agree?
Our afCottetf time on tliis eartli is 6ut a jfeeting moment,
at most! Like a candIe, we are Ciglited, sliine for a moment
and j[icker out! Wliy can we not so Cive during tliis short
eart/i[y sojourn that wlien tlie great caravan calIed' Deatli
draws up and announces tliis visit a60ut finislietf we wi[[
6e rerufy to fofc( our tents, and, fike tlie Ara6s of tlie desert,
sifentfy foCCow tlie caravan out into tlie cfarkness of tlie
unknown without fear and trem6fing?
I am hoping tliat I wi[[ find no Jews or Gentifes,
CatlioCics or Protestants, Gennans or EngCisftmen, Frenclimen
or Russians, BCacks or wliites, Reefs or Ye[[ows, wlien I
sfut[[ have crossed the 6ar to the otlier side. I am Iioping
I wi[[ find tliere amy liuman soufs, 6rotliers and sisters
a[[, unmarked 6y race, creed, or COColj for I sfut[[ want to 6e
cfone witli intoferance so I may fie cfown and rest an aeon
or two, undistur6ed 6y the strife, ignorance, superstition,
and petty misunderstandings wliicli mark witli cliaos and
grief tliis eart/i[y existenre.