Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

only bring them physical suffering but will also destroy their char-
acters, stain their reputations, and make it impossible for them to
attain enduring success.
The law through which the Golden Rule philosophy operates is
none other than the law through which the principle of autosugges-
tion operates.
If all your acts toward others, and even your thoughts of others,
are registered in your subconscious mind through the principle of
autosuggestion, thereby building your own character in exact duplicate
of your thoughts and acts, can you not see how important it is to guard
those thoughts and acts?
We are now at the very heart of the real reason for doing unto
others as we would have them do unto us, for it is obvious that what-
ever we do unto others we also do unto ourselves.
You cannot indulge in an act toward another person without
having first created the nature of that act in your own thought, and
you cannot release a thought without planting the sum and substance
and nature of it in your own subconscious mind, where it becomes an
integral part of your own character, modifying it in exact conformity
with the nature of the act or thought.
Grasp this simple principle and you will understand why you
cannot afford to hate or envy another person. You will also under-
stand why you cannot afford to strike back, in kind, at those who
do you an injustice. Likewise you will understand the injunction
"return good for evil."
Understand the law upon which the Golden Rule is based and
you will also understand the law that eternally binds all mankind
in a single bond of fellowship and renders it impossible for you to
injure another person, by thought or deed, without injuring yoursel£
Similarly, the results of every kind thought and deed in which you
indulge adds favorably to your own character.

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