Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

and when a salesperson shows great Enthusiasm over their wares, they
will arouse in the minds of others a corresponding interest.
You can comprehend this law quite easily by regarding yourself
as a sort of human magnet that attracts those whose characters har-
monize with your own dominating characteristics and repels all who
do not so harmonize. Also keep in mind that you are the builder
of that magnet, and that you may change its nature so that it will
correspond to any ideal that you may wish to conform to.
Again, and most important of all, remember that this entire
process of change takes place through thought-your character is but
the sum total of your thoughts and deeds. This truth has been stated in
many different ways throughout this course.
Because of this great truth it is impossible for you to render any
useful service or indulge in any act of kindness toward others with-
out benefiting thereby. Moreover, it is just as impossible for you to
indulge in any destructive act or thought without paying the penalty
in the loss of a corresponding degree of your own power.

Positive thought develops a dynamic personality. Negative thought
develops a personality of an opposite nature. In many of the preceding
lessons of this course, as in this one, instructions are given as to
the exact method of developing your personality through positive
thought. These instructions are particularly detailed in Lesson Three
on Self-Confidence. In that lesson you have a very definite formula
to follow. All of the formulas provided in this course are for the
purpose of helping you to consciously direct the power of thought
in the development of a personality that will attract to you those
who will be of help in the attainment of your Definite Chief Aim.
You need no proof that your hostile or unkind acts toward
others bring the effects of retaliation. Moreover, this retaliation is
usually definite and immediate. Likewise, you need no proof that you
can accomplish more by dealing with others in such a way that they

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