Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

of your absent friend, or some other quite external event raises your
spirits, and you think your days are prepared for you. Do not believe
it. It can never be so. Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing
can bring you peace but the triumph oj principles."
One reason for being just toward others is that such action may
cause them to reciprocate in kind, but as I have said, a better reason
is that kindness and justice toward others develops positive character
in all who do so.
You may withhold from me the reward to which I am entitled
for rendering you helpful service, but no one can deprive me of the
benefit I will derive from the rendering of that service insofar as it
adds to my own character.


We are living in a great industrial age. We see the evolutionary forces
working great changes in the method and manner of living, and
rearranging the relationships between people in the ordinary pursuit
of life, liberty, and earning a living.
Everywhere we see evidence that organized effort is the basis of all
financial success, and while other factors enter into the attainment of
success, organization is still of major importance.
This industrial age has created two comparatively new terms.
One is called capital and the other labor. Capital and labor constitute
the main wheels in the machinery of organized if.fort. These two great
forces enjoy success in exact ratio to the extent that the Golden Rule
philosophy is understood and applied. Harmony between these two
forces does not always prevail.
During the past fifteen years I have devoted considerable time to
studying those causes of disagreement between employers and em-
ployees, and I have also gathered much information on the subject

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