from others who have been studying this problem. There is but one
solution that will, if understood by all concerned, bring harmony out
of chaos and establish a perfect working relationship between capital
and labor.
The remedy is based on a great law of Nature and has been well
stated by one of the great men of this generation, in the following
We include this quoted material for your information, with due apology for
there having been neither a reference to its source nor any indication as
to who this great man may have been.
The question we propose to consider is exciting deep
interest at the present time, but no more than its importance
demands. It is one of the hopeful signs of the times that these
subjects of vital interest to human happiness are constantly
coming up for a hearing, are engaging the attention of the
wisest men, and stirring the minds of all classes of people. The
wide prevalence of this movement shows that a new life is
beating in the heart of humanity, operating upon their facul-
ties like the warm breath of spring upon the frozen ground
and the dormant germs of the plant. It will make a great stir,
it will break up many frozen and dead forms, it will produce
great and, in some cases, it may be, destructive changes, but it
announces the blossoming of new hopes, and the coming of
new harvests for the supply of human wants and the means
of greater happiness. There is great need of wisdom to guide
the new force coming into action. Every man is under the
most solemn obligation to do his part in forming a correct
public opinion and giving wise direction to popular will.