Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

Every human being possesses at least two distinct personalities,
and as many as six distinct personalities have been discovered in one
person. One of man's most delicate tasks is that of harmonizing these
mind forces so that they may be organized and directed toward the
orderly attainment of a given objective. Without this element of har-
mony, no individual can become an accurate thinker.
It is no wonder that leaders in business and industrial enterprises,
as well as those in politics and other fields of endeavor, can find it so
difficult to organize groups of people so that they will function in the
attainment of a given objective, without friction. Each individual human
being possesses inner forces that are difficult to harmonize, even when
placed in the environment most favorable to harmony. If the chemistry
of the individual's mind is such that the units of the mind cannot be
easily harmonized, think how much more difficult it must be to har-
monize a group of minds so they will function as one, in an orderly
manner, through a Master Mind.
The leader who successfully develops and directs the energies of a
Master Mind must possess tact, patience, persistence, Self-Confidence,
intimate knowledge of mind chemistry, and the ability to adapt (in a
state of perfect poise and harmony) to quickly changing circumstances,
without showing the least sign of annoyance.
How many are there who can measure up to this requirement?
The successful leader must have the ability to change the color
of the mind, chameleonlike, to fit every circumstance that arises in
connection with the object of Leadership. Moreover, he or she must
have the ability to change from one mood to another without showing
the slightest signs of anger or lack of Self-Control. The successful
leader must understand the seventeen laws of success and be able to
put into practice any combination of these seventeen laws whenever
the occasion demands.
Without this ability no leader can be powerful, and without power
no leader can long endure.

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