Personnel Plan
Chances are that you’ll need some help
to run your business. It’s hard to over-
estimate the impact employees have on
small businesses. First, your paperwork
explodes when you hire the fi rst employee.
Many government agencies regulate your
relations with your employees, and you’ll
need help if you’ve never employed
anyone before. Your accountant can
help with payroll forms, and your local
employment development agency can help
with other regulations.
Second, how to successfully hire,
manage, and fi re people is a fi ne art,
which this book can’t possibly cover. If
you have any doubts about your abilities
in this area, make sure you get guidance
from employment agencies, the local
employment development department, or a
private consultant.
Fortunately there are some basic
steps you can take that will increase
your chances of making hiring decisions
correctly. Many business owners fail to
be clear in their own minds about basic
details affecting an employee; that’s a
mistake almost guaranteed to cause
Analyze Your Business Personality
Every business has a personality that
customers and suppliers spot right
away. Your employees help create that
personality in their daily interactions with
customers, suppliers, and each other. Your
job as the business owner is to decide
what personality you want your business
to have. Once you are clear about your
business’s personality, you can easily look
for employees who fi t in well. Take out a
blank sheet of paper or open a computer
fi le and write a statement of the personality
you want your business to have.
Antoinette’s Dress Shop:
Business Personality
Th e impression I want my customers to
receive is that our store provides the best
selection of merchandise in our clothing
category. We also provide prices and service
that take the worry, regrets, and hassle
out of shopping. Our employees should be
sincerely helpful and dedicated to solving
our customers’ problems. I want them to be
very knowledgeable so that our customers
consider us as their clothing advisors, in
addition to the best store.