When your plan is complete, make a
point to hang onto the original; don’t give
it away. Also, make sure you keep a list of
the people who get copies and the dates
they received them.
Finally, take yourself out for a terrific
dinner with someone whose company you
enjoy. You deserve it.
Consider Using a Business Consultant
It is often wise to have your plan reviewed
after you think it is in good shape. For
a modest fee, a good small business
consultant or CPA who specializes in
businesses similar to yours may be able
to save you from a costly mistake or point
out additional profit opportunities. At the
very least, he should be able to suggest
how to improve the way your information
is presented. If he gives you minor
suggestions for improvement, you can
incorporate them easily. If the suggestions
are more major, give some thought before
making changes. Remember, this is your
business and your proposal and it’s up
to you to make the final decisions. (See
Chapter 12 for a discussion of consultants.)