Inspiration to Live Your Magic: 75 Inspiring Biographies

(John Hannent) #1

reliable. He also says that if you work at learning and practicing how to do something,
you can tap the power of your subconscious to do it automatically - quickly and
In his third book, Outliers, Gladwell explains that while the extraordinary people we see
changing the world have often had lucky breaks, we can nevertheless achieve amazing
success by taking advantage of our opportunities and simply putting in the effort. He
demonstrates, through examples, that success usually comes after a long history of work
by many people, each of them building on what others have done before - and he points
out that we can all be part of that chain.
Malcolm Gladwell wants his work to inspire people. He states, “If you work hard enough
and assert yourself, and use your mind and imagination, you can shape the world to your
desires.” The “working hard” part is the key: “Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re
good; it’s the thing that makes you good.”
Through his books, Gladwell has done what he advises other people to do - use one’s
ideas and efforts to make positive changes. Time magazine has named him one of the one
hundred most influential people in the world.

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