Inspiration to Live Your Magic: 75 Inspiring Biographies

(John Hannent) #1

At that point, McGill University accepted her, giving her an honorary medical degree and
a job as a professor. She set up their medical museum, which became an important
research center.
Dr. Abbott had to fight hard to earn recognition, and she wanted other women to be
treated more fairly. She helped found the Federation of Medical Women of Canada to
support and encourage women in medicine. She spent so much time helping others, and
had so much energy to give, that she became known by the nickname β€œThe Beneficent
To this day, Dr. Maude Abbott is still helping young women and all medical students -
through her books, the McGill museum, and the scholarships awarded in her name. She
was a medical pioneer and a giant in the field of heart disease, but it is her generous spirit
as much as her accomplishments that keep her memory alive today.

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