Melissa Hartwig had called. “Uh-oh,” I
thought, “she’s found out that I’ve been
printing the Whole30 off their Web site and
handing it out to patients. A cease-and-desist
order must be close at hand.” A patient who
had experienced the tremendous benefits of
the program had reached out to her and given
her my contact information. To my relief, the
Hartwigs were thrilled that I had been able to
apply their material in my clinical practice
and told me of other health-care providers
who have had similar experiences with their
patients as a result of the program.
Not only does the food we eat have a
substantial impact on our health—a fact
vastly underrated in today’s conventional
medical community—it is the very
cornerstone of good health. Out of all of the
tools in my medical arsenal, the Whole30 is
by far the most powerful and the most
applicable across a wide range of ills. It is a
potent antidote to the chronic diseases of