carbohydrate, nor do we know of anyone who
has suffered metabolic catastrophe by eating
too many carbohydrates from black beans!
That’s not to say that legumes are the
healthiest choice, but the reason we exclude
them is not because they contain a lot of
carbohydrate. The carbohydrate content of
foods alone is not what causes hormonal
dysregulation—it starts with
In our experience, people generally don’t
chronically overconsume legumes—at least,
we’ve never heard of anyone having an
unhealthy psychological relationship with
lentils. Legumes are not milled like grains
often are, so legumes are essentially the
equivalent of whole grains—more fiber, more
water, and more nutrients than their more
refined counterparts. This makes them far less
likely to promote overconsumption than a
refined, supernormally stimulating, nutrient-
poor food.