(in this case, those from legumes) may
exacerbate rheumatoid arthritis by
stimulating the immune system into over
activity. I knew from my physiology training
that abnormal immune activity was the root
cause of chronic inflammation, so the idea
that something I was eating might be
contributing to the inflammation in my
shoulder caught my attention. I decided to
read more research from that paper’s lead
author, Dr. Loren Cordain.
At this time in my life, I was eating a
plant-based omnivorous diet—small amounts
of meat and eggs and lots of grains, legumes,
vegetables, fruit, and nuts. I thought, “If
something I’m eating might be causing
inflammation in my shoulder, why don’t I just
avoid that food for a while and see what
happens?” So I did. I cut out all legumes and
grains, and six weeks later my shoulder pain
was gone—eighteen months of pain and
limited functionality gone in six weeks. That