The bulk (thickest part) of your protein
source should be roughly the same size as the
palm of your hand. If you’ve got some thinner
parts hanging over (like with salmon, or a
chicken breast), don’t sweat it.
For whole eggs, a meal-size portion is the
number of eggs you can hold in one hand.
This is usually between three and five. (If
Dallas is very hungry, he can hold six.) And to
all of you ladies who would respond to our
breakfast inquiry by demurely responding,
“Oh, I had my egg this morning,” we have one
thing to say.
We don’t care how petite you are, we know
you can hold more than one egg.
Adequate protein is the key to this whole
plan. And if there’s one meal at which you can
afford to overindulge, it’s breakfast. So err on
the side of generous, please. Also, yes, you’re
eating the whole egg. We’ve already talked