cream really makes your stomach hurt, but
you really love ice cream, so you decide it’s
worth it for you. That is entirely your call. But
don’t you at least appreciate knowing what the
repercussions of that ice cream will be, so you
don’t indulge in a bowl before a tough
workout or while out on a date? Draw your
own line, and arrive at your own conclusions
—and use your Whole30 experience to add
some smart context to those decisions.
Easier said than done, you’re thinking?
That’s exactly why the next section is
devoted to transitioning your Whole30
experience into sustainable, healthy habits.
Because that’s what this is all about: it’s not
about a short-term fix or a temporary solution,
but about creating lifelong behaviors designed
to always move you in the direction of “more
Sounds too good to be true?
It’s not.