well isn’t just about getting adequate protein,
fat, and carbohydrates—micronutrients also
contribute significantly to our health, and that
of our children. One significant reason that
fresh, unprocessed foods like meat,
vegetables, fruit, and good fats are so healthy
is that these foods supply generous amounts
of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients—
the stuff that directly benefits your child’s
health. Choosing foods that supply adequate
calories and copious amounts of
micronutrition is the “best-case scenario” for
growing kids, from toddlers to teenagers.
Your child’s diet should comprise
nutrient-dense foods that require minimal
preparation—beef, chicken, and fish; sweet
potato, carrots, and spinach; blueberries,
cantaloupe, and plums; avocado, olives, and
coconut milk.
Sound familiar?
It should!