yogurt, cereal, peanut butter, and bread can
promote systemic inflammation, create
immune system dysfunction, and increase the
risk of diseases like type 1 diabetes.
Lots of parents we’ve talked to say, “But
my kids don’t like vegetables ...” or, “But my
son loves his sugary breakfast cereals.” This is
where we often get into trouble, asking, “Does
your toddler do his own grocery shopping?”
Admittedly, we don’t know how difficult it is
to try to take away a child’s Golden Grahams
—although we can imagine, knowing how
hard it is for our adult Whole30 participants
to change their eating habits. But until your
children are buying their own food with their
own money, you as the parent are the single
largest supplier of your child’s nutritional
needs. And we believe it’s just as critical to
your children’s long-term success to feed
them healthy food as it is to make sure they
don’t drop out of school after the third grade.
Admittedly, getting kids to love Good